Thursday, June 20, 2013

Postcard #165: Do you know your way home? (by Maria Hortense)

You can find this postcard inside the book: Livro do Desassossego (author: Fernando Pessoa) @ Olokuti @ Tienda Astúries, Astúries 36-38 Bajos @ Barcelona, Spain. If you find it, write your answer, take a picture and send it to!

Postcard by Maria Hortense

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Happy International Day for Biological Diversity!

Water is essential for life. No living being on planet Earth can survive without it. It is a prerequisite for human health and well-being as well as for the preservation of the environment.(

Keep in mind the importance of saving water and taking care of out Planet Earth! 
We only have one...

Friday, March 29, 2013

Postcard #163: Which kind of biker are you?

You can find this postcard in an outside window of the Bahnhof Herborn (Dillkreis) @ Herborn, Germany. If you find it, write your answer, take a picture and send it to!

Postcard by Chico Valdes

Sunday, March 24, 2013

One Postcard, One Smile!

Berlinda Ação Social is carrying out a campaign that consists in several visits to children of Portuguese mother tongue that are hospitalized in Berlin. One of them is Cristóvão -  his birthday is on the 1st of April and he will still be in the hospital.

In his day, let's overwhelm him of birthday postcards! You just have to write few little words in Portuguese such as:
Muitos parabéns! - Happy Birthday!
Melhoras rápidas! - Get well soon!
Um dia cheio de sorrisos! - Have a day full of smiles!
Let's help Berlinda to give moments of hapiness to Cristóvão in his first birthday far from the family!
 The postcards should be sent until the 29th March to:
Berliner Allee 132
13088 Berlin

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Postcard #161: Welcome Spring!

Even if this wonderful peach basket is not yet available and the weather isn't exactly warm and with birds and flowers appearing here and there, I'm sure that Spring will come soon! Have a nice day!

Douro - Portugal (photo by José Maria Leitão)